Introduction to Content Marketing 101


Content marketing is your ability to create content of different form to build trust and relationships with a specific target audience with the ultimate aim of turning them to a paying customer.
Hardly can you find this definition anywhere but that's basically what content marketing is all about.

You are creating content that turns a stranger to a paying client. In a world where everything you do revolves around strangers, your ability to build trust with them determines your success. How you are able to use words and your voice to position yourself right is all that you need to have consistent sales.
Keener look at this definition.

I mentioned a specific audience - this is what other people call niche market.

You can't sell to everyone and you can't serve everyone.

You are not ice cream neither are you oxygen.

Not everyone is your target audience.

That's why you should stop trying to sell to everyone,From this too, you could see that there's an objective for content marketing.

There's a reason why you should create content.

There's something you are trying to achieve by creating content.

If you don't have specific objectives, you don't have a business creating content.

Majority of the people you are following online who create content have different reasons for the content they create.By the way, it is important to know that content is not limited to text.

There's is audio content in form of podcasts

There's video content in form of vlogs, webinars, seminars and more

There's graphical content in form of pictures, infographics and more, So understand that you are creating content for the following reasons

๐Ÿ‘‰๐ŸปBuild relationships with people

๐Ÿ‘‰๐ŸปIncrease your authority in a target market

๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿป Grow your influence

๐Ÿ‘‰๐ŸปGenerate leads

๐Ÿ‘‰๐ŸปMAKE SALES - I capitalized this because it is the ultimate goal.

See, if it's not making money, it's not making sense at all. And if you engage massively in content marketing without sales

All your mentors and coaches who give you epic content are doing so because they want to


Content Marketing Process

If you follow this process, I can guaranty that you will enjoy huge return on your content marketing efforts.


This is the ultimate rule of content marketing.

It is what differentiate the 6 and 7 figures earners from people who struggle for sales.

And again too, there's something called Right objectives.
Having an objective mean you are very intentional about the result that you want.

You are specific about the results that you want for your efforts.
For you business owners, consultants and others, have specific objectives for every content you put out

Ask yourself these questions :

๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿป What do I want to achieve with this content

๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿป What action do I want people to take after reading this content

๐Ÿ‘‰๐ŸปHow do I want them to feel while reading this content (copywriters use this a lot to get you on the edge emotionally)

๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿป What specific message do I want to pass across

๐Ÿ‘‰๐ŸปWhat value I'm I adding to the life of the people who'd read this content.

It is the thought process behind every content that makes the huge difference, not the actual words that you put in.

If you have a thorough thought process, you will pick and use the right words and stories to communicate your message.

You need to be specific about your audience too.

Like I mentioned earlier, everyone is not your customer especially your family and friends
Answer these questions

๐Ÿ‘‰๐ŸปWho is my products or services for?

๐Ÿ‘‰๐ŸปWho is willing to pay for my products and services

๐Ÿ‘‰๐ŸปWhat serious problem I'm I solving or what problem do you have the solution to and you are offering through your products and services

๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿป Who are the people with these problems.

Everybody starts a business to make money.

Don't let people tell you not to focus on the money.

Money is important and last time that I checked, exposure and popularity does not pay rent or buy anything in the market.
If you are a teens coach, teenagers are very broke especially in this part of the world.

They are the users of your services and products

You will be wise to know that the parents are the buyers.

So you position yourself aright.

Know your buyers from the users.


why do people pay to have a solution?

What is the core motive behind their buying decision?

Why do people patronize you?

What value do they get in your products and services that prompts them to buy.

Identify these and you are good to go.

Now is the time for you to have a profitable content marketing campaign

putting everything shared into practice

I love being practical and I want all of you to be able to practice these things.

So let's say that you want to make 15 sales by the end of March

objective 15 sales by the end of March

Audience Business owners who are struggling with sales

why they would pay - To make more money in their business. Make more sales

Let's say I have 30 friends on social media and they are entirely new to me.

I want to take them from being a stranger to being a paying client that 15 of them will pay me at the end of the month.

I will take them through this framework for me to achieve my objectives.
Please pay attention to these things, they are premium information that I'm sharing with you for free because I want you to enjoy more success in your sales and marketing.
We know our audience.

Next thing you do is to list out their problems have a very long list of strong problems and challenges facing your target audience that you provide solutions to through your products and services

Features don't sell.

Buy this phone because it has 5000 mah is just features.

Buy this phone because it lasts 48 hours without charging is selling benefits.

You are not selling products or services, you are selling solutions.
For those of you who are content creators here, you need to follow these keenly to deliver the best content that clients will be happy to work with you over and over again.

I run a startup digital marketing agency, so I can tell how this works from the service provider and agency point of view.
So having identify your objectives for the month or period.

Create a content plan or calendar.

It is a list of topics or content that takes people from being total stranger to being paying client.

So you create a list of topics that takes people from being sceptical to being paying client.


Rather than selling to strangers directly, take them through these stages.

Your conversion rate will be better for it.

This is what people call edu selling

A- Awareness - educate people on your products and services. Why do they need you? What benefits are you bringing to their life?

What are they missing out on when they do not get your products or services?

Do a very good job at educating your target audience on your products and services.

I- Interest - Go beyond awareness by creating content that generate interest in your products or services. This is where talking about the problems and challenges of your target audience comes to play.

R- Retention - it is cheaper to sell to an existing customer than to sell to a new customer entirely.

These are the content that helps you increase the life time value of your customers

I know you people will ask lot of questions like this.

Let me teach how not to run out of content ideas.

1- You can create topics from your head. Ideas pop up anytime and you will be better off with a pen to capture them as they flow instead of trying to memorize them. I use 3 jotters to capture Ideas as they come.

2- Do a google search to also find ideas. Just type in your subject matter , there is a section that has related questions, they are topics for you.


4- Use This is a website that stores questions that people are asking. It brings out all these questions for you and you can create content providing answers

Blogs have lot of content that you can get inspiration from, from the simple google search that I made, click on any of the websites and you will be greeted with even more topics and ideas.

One of the reasons why I like answer the public is because it is an indication of the content that people want. If people are asking questions, then they need answers.

Answering these questions does not only make you credible but you also become an authority and makes sales.

5- Use Buzzsumo to get highly viral content ideas in your industry. this one will give you the set of content that people really engaged with and love.

Improve on what is written already and you will definitely go viral.

6- Use Hubspot topic generator this one even generate topics for you. Just put your industry or tuxedo as in this case.

This will do the job for you.

7- Portent Ideas generator is another tool at your disposal. You don't need to think too much, these tools get the job done.

put in your industry and google will provide you with huge traffic topics, this is very useful for people who have blogs and are into search engine optimization.

8- Google Keyword planner is another tool at your disposal.
Search for google adword, you will have to go through small registration priocess and you will get to the keyword interphase.

9- Ubersuggest is another tool for you, it works like google keyword planner.

10- is another place for you to get valuable content ideas. Find your industry and you are good.

11- Books on amazon. This one, you dont need to buy the book, just get on the book page and click on the look inside button on the page.

12- Ask your audience questions as well, they will be glad to interact with you

13- Do surverys too

14- follow conversations on social media and facebook groups

15- carry a book


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