The Beginner Guide To Make Money Selling eBooks
The Beginner Guide To Make Money Selling eBooks.
Selling eBooks is a great
method of online income and it will be interesting, if you write what you
desire. The world of paper books/newspapers has gone; it has all turned to
True to say, Reading something in
eBook is quite good than reading in paperback form, with lots of animation,
Bright screen. I hope that, there would be no paperback form books in
coming years.
In that case, if you are an author,
you would have been writing books, now stop that, and start writing eBooks.
That would interest your Readers. And when it comes to selling, selling
paperback books is quite easier, arranging stalls or Advertising.
But when it comes to Make Money
Selling eBooks, you can’t gain attention of the buyers. To gain the attention
of buyers, you would have to design an attractive cover for your eBook, and not
only cover, there are many factors too!
Most people don’t consider
writing and Selling eBooks because they don’t know the right method to
successfully write, self-publish and sell their eBooks. Here are few steps you
can follow to earn money by Selling eBooks.
Beginner Guide To Make Money Selling eBooks
in your niche
If you are considering to write an
eBook then you should write about what you love the most and what in which you
have lots of experience. You should not write about something that a friend
suggests you or copying the niche of the bestselling books, write what you can
the appropriate Title:
You should always create a title
which would make the buyers/readers curious before reading the book. For Example;
if you have tons of experience in the Gadgets field, you could choose a title
like “Is this the Technology Era?” or something creative like that!
to write on?
You may think that what you know
is already known to everyone, that’s right! But there may be few other
points which they would not be knowing or it would have
not reached to them in an easier form. Provide them the best way, an
normal literate person should also understand it! Don’t underestimate
Before you start writing and Selling
eBook, check the Best-Selling E-Books. You should go on writing;
there are many people out there to learn many new things from your eBook.
attractive graphics:
Most people buy books by looking at
their covers only, so design a cover page that is eye-catching and gives a
brief idea of what is inside. In a paperback book, designing a high-graphic
cover is quite hard, as many wouldn’t be possible to print them.
But now, it is an online world which
is going to see it! So just give the highest graphics you could ever give, and
prove that A book can be judged by its cover!
a perfect description of your eBook
If you want people to buy your eBook
then you should tell them, why should they buy?
Your description should include all
the mandatory information about the book such as Genre, Word Count, Author bio,
Pages etc. Do check the description of the Best-Selling E Books Online and
create a description like that. Mention some of the common problems faced
by people and show that you have solution to those. That would interest many.
a Giveaway while Selling eBooks
I don’t know whether you
authors have a blog/site, if you have, run a giveaway, and make your eBook as
the prize.
Run a giveaway of 2-4 copies of your
eBook on some established websites and give users an option to buy your eBook
without entering the giveaway. This will let those visitors buy you eBook who
have money but no time to wait for the giveaway to end.
your eBook into reports before Selling eBooks:
Make Money Selling eBooks is
truly based on how many books you sell. Don’t try to make money with one single book. Don’t think of Selling E-Books to
Become Wealthy. You should sell as many eBooks as you can and the best
method is to let buyers buy the part they are most interested in.
Trial Offers
method isn’t possible, if you write a paperback form book. It is the
digital world; sell half of your book for a quarter of its price. And of
course, many will buy it as the price would be low.
Once they finish their first half,
make sure they buy the second half, they should come forward to buy it, if not,
and it shows that, they don’t like your writing. Mail them, and wait and watch
whether they revert back to you. Giving trial offer will allow your
readers to try your eBook who are unsure about buying the full version. They
will surely buy the full version if they are impressed with the first part.
some freebies while Selling eBooks
This is another great method to
boost the sales of your eBook as people are ready to spend more money if they
get more than one thing at the same price. Offer some freebies which will
interest everyone, so that some would even buy it for the freebie ;)
you eBook
This part is quite time consuming
and most probably you won’t be able to publicize your product to that extent
that you will Make Money Selling eBooks.
Try these tips: Send a copy to any
blogger, and tell him to review it on his blog. Place a Banner of your eBook in
your own site. And lastly, comes Advertising, this require spending money, if
you are ready with that, advertise as banners in some sites or in magazines.
to Sell eBooks Online?
Atlast, coming to the main point in
this guide to Make Money Selling eBooks. By now, your eBook must be fully
finished and ready for arranging in stores.
You might be searching for the best
sites to add your eBook and to fetch money out of it. Selling E-Books On
Amazon is one of the best way to make money as most of the eBook Readers buy
eBooks only in Amazon Kindle Store.
You can also try other sites like Lulu,
Smashwords, MyeBook… Before you sell do check the top Selling
I would like to stress a thing,
that’s the Piracy.
Once your eBook becomes too famous,
many piracy sites would offer people to download it for free, which is a very
big loss for you. Even I, you and probably everyone you would have download
many paid things for free.
No one can prevent Piracy, it grows
day by day. There isn’t a perfect solution for this thing. So keep
this thing aside, and you start your goal of selling eBooks! There is nothing
more from my part.
Now it is your part! By now, you
would have learned about how to Make Money Selling eBooks.
Did I misssed any point in this
guide? Do you recommend this method of Make Money Selling eBooks? Share
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