A story is told about a young Thomas Edison
who came home one day with a
paper for his mother. He told her, “My teacher
told me to give this paper only to
my mother.” Thomas’ mother read the note and
her eyes filled with tears. Thomas
asked his mother what the note said, and she
read aloud, “Your son is a genius.
This school is too small for him and doesn’t have
enough good teachers for
training him. Please teach him yourself.”
And that’s exactly what Thomas’ mother did; she
homeschooled her child with
devotion and dedication.
As the story goes, many years later after Thomas
Edison’s mother passed on, and
he was now one of the world’s greatest
inventors, he found a folded paper among
other family items. He opened the very same
paper that had been handed to him
to give to his mother and read the following
message: “Your son is mentally ill.
We won’t let him come to school anymore.”
At that moment, Edison realized what his mother
had done for him so many years
ago. He wrote in his diary: “Thomas Alva Edison
was an addled child that, by a
hero mother, became the genius of the century.”
In the book of Proverbs we learn: “The words of
the reckless pierce like swords,
but the tongue of the wise brings healing.” Can
you imagine what might have
happened to Thomas Edison if his mother had
read to him the reckless and hurtful
words written by his foolish teacher? He might
never have invented the light bulb
or made his many other contributions to society.
Thank God for the wise words of his mother! She
created the context in which
her son could grow to his full potential.
Let’s take this message to heart and resolve to
use our words for healing today.
Just as hurtful words can cause uncontainable
damage for life, so can wise words
positively affect a person for life.
Do have a productive


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